
PART III. Test Your Knowledge

(25 points)

Task 1. State the syntactic function of each predicative construction. (7 points)

1. No other business arising, the meeting was adjourned.

2. That was for him to find out.

3. I saw the fire slowly fading.

4. He spoke loud enough for everybody to hear.

5. The man’s coming so early surprised us.

6. We insisted on their delivering the goods immediately

7. It was easy for our mechanic to repair the device.

Task 2. Paraphrase using a predicative complex. (12 points)

1. At first we thought that the soldier was dead.
New sentence:

2. She dyed her hair, and it became blonde.
New sentence:

3. As it was late, we decided to go back home.
New sentence:

4. He stepped aside, so I could pass.
New sentence:

5. I heard that the door opened.
New sentence:

6. You are doing nothing! This won’t help anybody.
New sentence:

7. I can’t bear when people are unhappy.
New sentence:

8. She was standing at the window, and her eyes were full of tears.
New sentence:

9. What is he asking for? Should I bring his paper?
New sentence:

10. The chance is too good – Jack shouldn’t miss it.
New sentence:

11. He is a talented musician. I have never doubted it.
New sentence:

12. He found that his life was miserable.
New sentence:

Task 3. Translate into English using a predicative complex in each sentence. (6 points)

1. Не заставляйте меня повторять правило дважды!

2. Давайте подождем конца спектакля.

3. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы вы завтра пришли пораньше.

4. Пора вам научиться танцевать вальс!

5. Так как зима была теплой, я ни разу не надела зимние сапоги.

6. Марку было нелегко принять то решение.

(30 points)

Task 1. State the syntactic function of each predicative construction. (8 points)

1. With anger having been kindled, wisdom sleeps.

2. The rule against visitors entering the lab at the time of the experiment is strict.

3. He ordered the wounded to be carried away from the field of battle.

4. It was easy for our mechanic to repair this device.

5. For the decision to be correct all facts must be considered.

6. Scientists’ working together and their sharing ideas with one another is of great advantage for science.

7. The only way out will be her taking the job.

8. It being one of the coldest winters in history, most of the schools in Derry were closed down.

Task 2. Paraphrase using a predicative complex. (14 points)

1. We insist that the experiment should start immediately.
New sentence:

2. You overcome difficulties so easily! I wonder at that.
New sentence:

3. When the concert was over, the Petersons hurried home.
New sentence:

4. He spoke loud enough, so everybody heard him.
New sentence:

5. The doctor found that her heart had stopped two hours before.
New sentence:

6. It doesn’t surprise us that he was able to persuade the board to wait.
New sentence:

7. Everybody was impatient because the trial wouldn’t begin.
New sentence:

8. If circumstances permit, they will be through with it by the end of June.
New sentence:

9. He is a genius! There can be no mistake about it.
New sentence:

10. Little Johnny did not wish to eat his porridge, so his mom had to make him.
New sentence:

11. The thought that someone else would get that promotion was painful for Karen.
New sentence:

12. It was rather foggy, that’s why we couldn’t see the road properly.
New sentence:

13. With astonishment, we noticed that the newcomer kicked the book with his foot.
New sentence:

14. He stepped forward, and his face was red with anger.
New sentence:

Task 3. Translate into English using predicative complexes. (8 points)

1. Если позволят погодные условия, мы завтра отправимся смотреть на китов.

2. Я считаю необходимым поднять вопрос о повышении стипендии.

3. Вы ждете начала передачи? (Use British spelling.)

4. Так как Джордж отличный переводчик, ему было не сложно получить работу в посольстве.

5. Я заставлю вас выучить эту лексику наизусть! (Use the verb “to have”.)

6. То, что ты забыл купить сестре подарок на день рождения, меня не удивляет!

7. Я бы хотела воспитать своих детей порядочными (decent) людьми.

8. Так как его секретарь была немкой, все бухгалтерские книги Марка всегда были в идеальном порядке.