PART I. Test Your Knowledge
Answer the questions.
1. What is a sentence?
2. What is a clause?
3. What are the main constituents of a clause?
4. What is a simple sentence?
5. What is a composite sentence?
6. What is a compound sentence?
7. What is a complex sentence?
8. What are the non-sentence utterances?
9. What are the constituents of a two-member sentence?
10. What parts of a two-member sentence are obligatory?
11. What members of a sentence are optional?
12. What are the variants of a two member sentence?
13. What are the types of a one-member sentence?
14. What are the variants of a one-member sentence?
15. What is the difference between one-member and elliptical sentences?
16. What is the criterion for identifying communicative types of sentences?
17. What is the communicative aim of a declarative sentence?
18. What is the word order in a declarative sentence?
19. What is the communicative aim of an interrogative sentence?
20. What is the word order in an interrogative sentence?
21. What are the types of interrogative sentences/questions?
22. What is the peculiar feature of a suggestive question?
23. What do we ask about in a pronominal question?
24. What do rhetorical questions imply?
25. What is a peculiar syntactic feature of an imperative sentence?
26. What is the communicative aim of an exclamatory sentence?