PART III. Test Your Competence
(60 points)
Task 1. Type in one or more characteristics that unite the 4 nouns in each line semantically (e.g., uncount, abstract, collective, nouns of multitude, etc.)? (12 points)
Task 2. Give the plural of the following nouns. (16 points)
Task 3. Use is, are or both with the nouns below. (16 points)
Task 5. Translate into English. (6 points)
(60 points)
Task 1. Pick the odd word from a semantic point of view. (8 points)
Task 2. Give the plural of the following nouns. Some nouns have two forms, which will be considered as one correct point. (14 points)
Task 3. Use is, are or both with the nouns below. (18 points)
Task 4. Pick the correct form of the verb. (10 points)
Task 5. Translate into English. (10 points)