Unit 5

Furnishing and Decoration. Living Out

1. Mark the stressed syllable/syllables in these words. Listen and check.

old - fa shion ed (old-fashioned)
step -lad der (step-lader)
well -main tai ned (well-maintained)
re wi re (rewire)
self -con tai ned (self-contained)
rent - free (rent-free)
re co rd pla yer (record player)
air con di tio ner (air conditioner)
de co ra te (decorate)
whi te wash (whitewash)
wall pa per (wallpaper)
de po sit (deposit)
ca bi net (cabinet)
co at han ger (coat hanger)
re fri ge ra tor (refrigerator)
to le ra te (tolerate)
back yard (backyard)
chan de lier (chandelier)

2. Underline the words which do not contain sound [ә]. Listen and check.
old - fa shion ed (old-fashioned)
step -lad der (step-lader)
well -main tai ned (well-maintained)
re wi re (rewire)
self -con tai ned (self-contained)
rent - free (rent-free)
re co rd pla yer (record player)
air con di tio ner (air conditioner)
de co ra te (decorate)
whi te wash (whitewash)
wall pa per (wallpaper)
de po sit (deposit)
ca bi net (cabinet)
co at han ger (coat hanger)
re fri ge ra tor (refrigerator)
to le ra te (tolerate)
back yard (backyard)
chan de lier (chandelier)

3. Transcribe the following words and expressions and mark all the sound phenomena under study. Listen and check.

vacuum cleaner bureau couch
curtain drawer parquet
microwave sideboard wardrobe
neglected renovation cramped
complaint landlady advertisement
hospitality outskirts roller

4. Unjumble the underlined words. Listen and check.

I teah nyagip rent. It’s such a atswe of money. And it’s a lot of noyme . When I pay rent.

I walysa feel like I’m hiwtrogn money away. My rent usually takes over lafh of my rasyal .

Of course, dronladls are very happy. They sit back and let the money come in.

The rent they evreice pays for their housing anlo on their house.

The thing that soynan me most is that the rent I pay is more than what I luowd pay if I had a housing noal .

Sometimes I’ve idpa rent for a really bad lepac . When something korbe , the nallodrd didn’t fix it.

When I said I wouldn’t pay the rent, he told me he’d wrhot me out. The worst thing about rent is rent sisanerce .

These are usually very funria . That’s just the landlord being egydre .

Write a paragraph about advantages and disadvantages of living out.

5. Listen and fill in the missing words.

What are some home improvements you would like to make at the place where you live? Would you do them yourself, or have them done by a professional? Explain your reasons.
We’ve just bought a new house. The is perfect, but now we need to make a lot of before we can move in. Firstly, the are so we definitely need to . Next, we need to because the are quite and I think there might be somewhere. The old also need with new ones, but I think we can do that .

Another thing we want to do is completely – we’re thinking of new and we want to . I think we’ll also need to as it’s in pretty .

Another thing to think about . It gets really hot in the summer so we will definitely need to . That’s going to be but I think it’s necessary.

Finally, the must go! We’re going to and with . They’ll look much nicer!