Unit 8

Student Life

1. Transcribe the following words. Listen and check. Mark and comment on the sound phenomena under study.

linguistics psychology hardships
inadequate translation distinctly
research specialize colloquium
sophomore interpreter curriculum
equipped possibility exchange
scholarly diligently syllabus

2. In each line circle the word with a different sound in the stressed syllable. Listen and check.

area various major
knowledge disposal poetry
experience senior material
judgement truancy fluent
command amateur accurate

3. Mark the stressed syllable/syllables in these words and word combinations. Then listen and check.
pe da go gy (pedagogy)
con cen tra te (concentrate)
scra pe through (scrape through)
la bo ra to ry (laboratory)
stim u la ting (stimulating)
scra pe prac tice (speech practice)
im it ate (imitate)
ef fort (effort)
au dio - vi sual aid (audio-visual aid)
dia lo gue (dialogue)
course book (coursebook)
as semb ly hall (assembly hall)
in ter me dia te (intermediate)
cor res pon den ce (correspondence)
o ri en ta tion week (orientation week)

4. Listen to the interview and name the languages Mark speaks. Listen again and write down the missing words. Transcribe these words. Comment on the intonation of the interviewer’s questions.
M = Mark, I = Interviewer

I: Mark, you speak languages.

M: That’s right.

I: Can you tell us a little about your level of in the languages?

M: Well, is probably my best language. I speak it pretty well because I spent a lot of time in the country, but it’s a little rusty. I have , which is a good thing and a bad thing because suggests that I know more than I really do! The other languages are mainly Latin-based: , , , but also and .

I: You learned the languages through a combination of techniques.

M: That’s right. In different ways like , , .

I: Did you use any special techniques? Any magic secrets?

M: Magic secrets? No! But I did do some interesting things, like . I watched films in their and at some point I tried sticking around the house. But I think with me it was more a case of being , and the biggest motivator was a love of languages and pleasure with people from other countries.

I: Would you say it’s easier to if you already know languages in that family? For example you speak and , so maybe it was fairly easy to pick up .

M: I wouldn’t say it was easy, but yeah, I would definitely say it’s a help, although occasionally it . You might be speaking in one language and suddenly from another language slips out, causing .

I: Is there any little word of encouragement you could offer those poor souls who are trying to ?

M: Er ... that’s a tricky one. What I would say is that knowing how and a language doesn’t mean you . You really have to get out there and try to speak at . Take risks. Don’t be afraid to look stupid, because that’s the only way you’re going . And y’know, everyone has to start somewhere. As a young man, I went to France after years of studying French to , and, to my complete embarrassment, I couldn’t or . All I could do was order breakfast in my hotel!