Standard English World language Mother tongue Accent Dialect Compounds Derivatives Mono-, bi-, multilingual Fluency To bridge the gap |
Competitive edge Medium of instruction Learning incentive Level of proficiency Language skills Miscommunication Crash courses Dictionary dependence Vocabulary builder |
Pick up a language Subtleties of communication Interactive programmes To get a good workout Lingua franca Cockney Esperanto Transatlantic English Contextual clue |
Paper round Tabloid \ Broadsheet The fourth estate Invasion of privacy Current affairs Legal action Obscene Newsworthy Entry qualifications White-\ blue-collar job |
Tabloid journalism Copyright levies Pirate radio stations Attention span Academic performance Distance\part-time learning Benefit \ beneficiary Face-to-face tutorials Motto Benchmark of quality |
To capture the audience Tacit agreement Dedicated following Ratings war Viewing figures Prime time License fee In-depth news Weighty topics |
Middle-of—the-road audience Revival Treasury Accessible Worthy of attention To obey the dictum To sell like hot cakes |
Music-to-work-to Conductor Busker The Proms The Last Night To cater for \ to appeal to To revive |
To be traced back to To hand down from generation to generation Morris Dancing Bagpipe Lay \ layman \ amateur |