1. Match the words and word combinations from the two columns to get expressions: (13 points)
to be confident
to be good
to have a good ear
to monitor
to be imposed
to free oneself
a problem
to accept responsibility
to remain
to learn
a factor
to progress
to master
at learning languages
for languages
on the learner
your own speech
to which there’s no solution
to make mistakes
at a plateau
from cassettes and handbooks
to be borne in mind
the tongue
from the tyranny of the teacher
for learning
at a fast speed
2. Choose the most suitable word to fill in the gaps in the sentences below.(10 points)
1. It’s an problem, to which there’s no solution.
2. Many more people learn not in classrooms but classrooms.
3. Motivation is very high on the .
4. Instrumental motivation is an external motivation which is on the learner.
5. Integrative motivation gets one to master the tongue much more .
6. Integrative motivation gives much better results speed of learning goes.
7. Personality is another factor to be in mind.
8. Someone who has the confidence to make mistakes and isn’t afraid to is going to learn much more quickly.
9. Learning skills like having a good ear, efficient revision, monitoring your own speech, organization of learning make students progress at a much faster speed.
10. А learner who frees himself or herself from the tyranny of the teacher and accepts responsibility for learning makes progress, doesn’t remain at a .
3. Match the sentence halves.
Accent is important in the life of British people,
Some people get tormented
If you speak with an accent,
Heavy accent can often prejudice
People are suspicious of anyone who is well-spoken,
Although dialects are considered deviations or corruptions,
England is divided
Although the younger Royalties speak the Queen’s English,
There’s a lot of sloppy
Variety is
because of their accent.
whose speech is affected, plummy, overripe.
use of English these days.
they enrich the language.
by class.
as it denotes class, origin.
you are not likely to get a promotion in life.
the spice of life.
to be borne in mind
they alienate people towards the Royalty
4. Match the following Cockney phrases on the left with their meaning on the right. Look at the contextual examples of their use in the middle.(17 points)
Adam and Eve | Would you Adam and Eve it?
Alligator | See you later, alligator.
Apples and Pears | Get up those apples to bed!
Bacon and Eggs | She has such long bacons.
Bees and Honey | Hand over the bees.
Bull and Cow | We don't have to have a bull about it.
Crust of Bread | Use your crust, lad.
Mince Pies | What beautiful minces.
Butcher's Hook | I had a butchers at it through the window.
Rabbit and Pork | I don't know what she's rabbiting about.
Trouble and Strife | The trouble's been shopping again.