Boost up your speech skills



7.1. Listening Development

Assignment 1. Listen to the recording to Unit 7 in which former England cricketer Ed Smith argues that too much professionalism is not a winner. Summarize the main ideas in one or two paragraphs.

Assignment 2. Writer and entrepreneur Dominic Hobson explains why he thinks organised competitive games are damaging for players and spectators alike. Listen to his talk and put down at least seven of the ideas he expresses. If you agree with some of them, put the word AGREE next to them. If you disagree, write DISAGREE and give your explanations.

7.2. Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. Which words do you associate with sport? Make a word net.

Assignment 2. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with a word or phrase from the diagram.

  1. I enjoy watching football but I've never been very good it.

  2. At our local sports centre you can play a wide variety of sports.

  3. I'm not too keen sports such as boxing.

  4. The you need for skiing, like boots and a ski suit, can be quite expensive.

  5. It's a pity that most people only support during the Olympics.

  6. Are you fond sports like tennis?

  7. Which do you prefer - summer or sports?

  8. Is swimming an or indoor sport in your country?

  9. Personally, I think the should have awarded a penalty.

  10. Athletes have to be extremely if they want to compete successfully.

Assignment 3. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with a word or phrase from the table.


beach ball, golf ball, football, tennis ball

pitch, court, field, course

basketball, volleyball, football, softball

throw, touch, kick, hit, shoot, bounce, pass, catch, head, punch, volley, lob, smash

bat, club, racquet, stick

team, side

match, game, set

player, defender, striker, goalkeeper

play for a team / your country / beat a team / player / side

kick off

score a goal / point

win a game / set / match / competition / Cup

take a shot at goal

play a game of

  1. Ronaldo took a shot goal but the goalkeeper caught the ball.

  2. A good basketball player must be able to the ball to other players.

  3. Brazil Germany 2-1.

  4. In table tennis, you must let the ball on the table before you hit it.

  5. Bergkamp plays Arsenal in England.

  6. How many times has Germany the World Cup?

  7. If he gets this game, he'll win the set and could win the .

  8. Martina the ball over her opponent's head to the back of the court.

  9. Tiger Woods' shot was superb – he the ball and it rolled ten metres and fell into the hole.

  10. We love playing in bare feet on the beach.

Assignment 4. Look at the list of sports below and group them into categories. Some sports may go in more than one category. Tennis, for instance, is both a racquet sport and a ball game.

ball games:

    water sports:

      indoor sports:

        winter sports:

          motor sports:

            target sports:

              equestrian sports:

                racquet sports:

                  • aerobics
                  • badminton
                  • billiards / snooker
                  • cycling
                  • gymnastics
                  • horse riding
                  • netball
                  • rounders
                  • swimming
                  • ten pin bowling
                  • basketball
                  • cricket
                  • football
                  • hockey
                  • ice skating
                  • rugby
                  • table tennis
                  • tennis

                  Assignment 5. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word (consult Active Vocabulary section of this Unit).

                  1. Have you ever been to a boxing ?

                  2. You can't row without one or two .

                  3. The person who selects the players for a game is the .

                  4. In table tennis you hit the ball with a round .

                  5. The official who makes sure players follow the rules in games like tennis, squash, and basketball is the .

                  6. London's most famous venue for international matches is Wembley .

                  7. When there is a foul during a football match, the referee blows his .

                  8. The football player who tries to score goals is called a .

                  9. We play squash and tennis on an indoor .

                  10. Marathon runners make one circuit of the before leaving the stadium.

                  Assignment 6. Complete the chart by adding the words below.







                            • umpire
                            • canoeing
                            • ring
                            • pool
                            • snooker
                            • golf
                            • squash
                            • coach
                            • club
                            • athletics
                            • bowls
                            • defender
                            • rod
                            • oar
                            • course
                            • field
                            • swimming
                            • motor racing
                            • track
                            • pitch
                            • boxing
                            • skiing
                            • ground
                            • tennis
                            • skis
                            • football
                            • hockey
                            • court
                            • stadium
                            • basketball
                            • volleyball
                            • player
                            • referee
                            • net
                            • bat
                            • judge
                            • stick
                            • whistle
                            • team
                            • goalkeeper
                            • boots
                            • trunk
                            • captain
                            • manager
                            • diving
                            • fishing
                            • racquet
                            • striker

                            Assignment 7. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions.

                            1. Yoga appeals me.

                            2. They managed to beat the opponent.

                            3. He always cheats cribbage (a card game).

                            4. He’s training them the championship.

                            5. The match ended a draw.

                            6. Slow down. I can’t keep you.

                            7. They lost a stronger side.

                            8. We won 5 points 2. / We won 3 points.

                            9. We have a new rival the title of champion.

                            10. They won their title .

                            Assignment 8 . Translate the following sentences into English (consult Active Vocabulary section of this Unit).

                            1. Вряд ли она примет участие на скачках в Дерби в этом году. Она еще долго будет восстанавливать силы после травмы.
                            2. Увы, ни одна команда не забила гол.
                            3. Этот мальчик наверняка пойдет по стопам отца и станет хоккеистом. Уже сейчас все, о чем он мечтает, – это клюшка и шайба.
                            4. Каспаров выиграл кубок Кремля по шахматам.
                            5. Вы хотели бы завоевать кубок в этом соревновании?
                            6. Я должен назначить встречу с моим тренером.
                            7. Этот футболист принимает участие во многих футбольных матчах.
                            8. Она составила список всех спортивных соревнований, которые должна была посетить во время своего пребывания в этой стране.
                            9. Вы заметили, что футболист, который только что открыл счет, самый молодой в команде?
                            10. Не могли бы вы позвонить ему и сказать, что завтра состоится соревнование по плаванию?
                            11. Нам пришлось отменить игру, так как один из игроков заболел.
                            12. Соревнование должно было начаться в 10, но из-за плохой погоды пришлось его отложить.
                            13. Вы за какую команду болеете?
                            14. Этот молодой футболист забил три гола!
                            15. Не могли бы вы сказать мне счет матча?
                            16. Вам не следовало бы говорить Джеку, что его любимая команда проиграла со счетом 2:3.
                            17. С какой стати я буду объяснять ему правила игры?
                            18. Не волнуйся. Они обязательно победят.
                            19. Не может быть, что игра окончилась вничью.
                            20. Плавание – это отличный вид спорта, которым можно заниматься круглый год. Вы можете заниматься им вместе со своими детьми, и он обеспечит великолепную тренировку для практически всех групп мышц.
                            21. Если вы займетесь фигурным катанием, то будьте уверены, что у вас будет великолепная осанка.
                            22. Мы выиграли с преимуществом в два очка.
                            23. Кафельников превзошел себя и сохранил титул чемпиона.
                            24. Два бегуна пришли на финиш одновременно.
                            25. Вы занимаетесь баскетболом?
                            26. Он тренирует нашу команду по плаванию.
                            27. Команда, забившая наибольшее количество очков, выигрывает.
                            28. Вратарю разрешается трогать мяч руками.
                            29. Он – абсолютный чемпион олимпийских игр.
                            30. Соревнование включает 42 вида спорта.
                            31. Он всегда нечестно играет в гольф.
                            32. Ура, наши забили гол!
                            33. В теннис играют круглый год на различных кортах.
                            34. Итак, Джек выиграл с преимуществом в 32 секунды, Дон пришел вторым, а Крис получил утешительный приз за то, что добежал до финиша.

                            7.3. Reading Improvement

                            Assignment 1. Look at the article’s headline – Ronald McDonald to promote fitness – and guess 10 words that are used in the article.


                            RONALD MCDONALD TO PROMOTE FITNESS

                            Ronald McDonald has had a makeover. The mascot clown from the world’s largest fast food chain of restaurants is to become a more athletic, active and health conscious icon. TV ads will start screening on June 10 revealing the new look, sportier Ronald kitted out in a more figure-hugging jumpsuit. He will be overflowing with vitality as he juggles fruit, snowboards with superstar basketball player Yao Ming and plays basketball and soccer. The ads exude energy and fitness. Succulent, fresh strawberries abound, while hamburgers and fries are conspicuously absent. There will be nothing of what McDonald’s actually sells in the colorful commercials.

                            The company is attempting to jettison traditional images of cholesterol-laden fries and fat-soaked burgers to encourage children to get on the move. Jeff Carl, McDonald’s corporate vice-president of global marketing, said of this change of tack: “We felt it more appropriate to expand the discussion to all foods at this point.” He made no indication that the company would replicate the health conscious message of the ads into his restaurants’ menus. Mr. Carl explained that Ronald is “encouraging children to get up on their feet and start moving.” This may help to reduce the burden of blame on McDonald’s for obesity in children.

                            Assignment 2. Say whether these sentences are true or false:

                            A. McDonald’s will open fitness gyms inside its restaurants.

                            B. Ronald McDonald will wear a sportier jumpsuit while snowboarding.

                            C. McDonald’s will start selling succulent strawberries.

                            D. New McDonald’s TV ads do not show any hamburgers or fries.

                            E. The company is trying to jettison traditional images of cholesterol.

                            F. A marketing chief made a confusing statement about food.

                            G. The marketing chief said McDonald’s menus would be healthier.

                            H. McDonald’s wants children to lead more active lives.

                            Assignment 3. Match the following synonyms from the article:

                            • makeover
                            • kitted out
                            • vitality
                            • succulent
                            • conspicuously
                            • jettison
                            • laden
                            • tack
                            • replicate
                            • burden
                            • mirror
                            • get-up-and-go
                            • noticeably
                            • millstone
                            • dressed in
                            • lush
                            • approach
                            • loaded
                            • image change
                            • abandon

                            Assignment 4. Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible):

                            • ads will
                            • kitted out
                            • overflowing
                            • exude
                            • conspicuously
                            • jettison traditional images
                            • get on
                            • change of
                            • health
                            • reduce the burden
                            • start screening
                            • tack
                            • absent
                            • the move
                            • with vitality
                            • conscious message
                            • energy and fitness
                            • of blame
                            • in a more figure-hugging jumpsuit
                            • of cholesterol-laden fries

                            Assignment 5. Put the words into the correct spaces.

                            icon exude conspicuously makeover abound
                            vitality kitted revealing tack obesity
                            jettison replicate burden laden expand

                            Ronald McDonald has had a .... The mascot clown from the world’s largest fast food chain of restaurants is to become a more athletic, active and health conscious .... TV ads will start screening on June 10 ... the new look, sportier Ronald ... out in a more figure-hugging jumpsuit. He will be overflowing with ... as he juggles fruit, snowboards with superstar basketball player Yao Ming and plays basketball and soccer. The ads ... energy and fitness. Succulent, fresh strawberries ..., while hamburgers and fries are ... absent. There will be nothing of what McDonald’s actually sells in the colorful commercials.

                            The company is attempting to ... traditional images of cholesterol-... fries and fat-soaked burgers to encourage children to get on the .... Jeff Carl, McDonald’s corporate vice-president of global marketing, said of this change of ...: “We felt it more appropriate to ... the discussion to all foods at this point.” He made no indication that the company would ... the health conscious message of the ads into his restaurants’ menus. Mr. Carl explained that Ronald is “encouraging children to get up on their feet and start moving.” This may help to reduce the ... of blame on McDonald’s for ... in children.

                            Assignment 6. Look at the next article’s headline – “Yoga is best for back pain sufferers” – and guess whether these sentences are true or false:

                            A. Yoga is around 800 years old.

                            B. A study says yoga is better for back pain than conventional therapy.

                            C. Adults chose between yoga and a self-help book in a back-pain study.

                            D. A doctor said a collision of mind and body effects brought pain relief.

                            E. Exercise is hugely effective in relieving chronic low back pain.

                            F. Yoga encourages couples to exercise and breathe in unison.

                            G. Western medical literature is full of articles about yoga and back pain.

                            H. Millions of yoga practitioners worldwide swear a lot.

                            Assignment 7. Find the eight incorrect words in each paragraph. Replace then with a correct alternative.

                            YOGA IS BEST FOR BACK PAIN SUFFERERS

                            New research from the United States suggests that the millennia-old therapy of yoga could benefit millions of people who surfer from back problems. In an article published in the Annals of Internal Medicine on December 20, researchers concluded that yoghurt was a more effective treatment for back pain than controversial therapy. A study conducted at the Group Health Cooperative in Washington State required 101 adults to follow a choice of remedial treatments a 12-year course in yoga, 12 weeks of standard therapeutic exercise or the same period following instructions in a self-help back. The results showed yoga both expedited reliance from pain and had longer lasting beneficiaries. Lead researcher Dr. Karen Sherman said this was because “mind and body effects” were in collision.
                            The article states that: “Most treatments for chronic low back paint have modest efficacy at best. Exercise is one of the few proven testaments however, its effects are often small, and no form has been shown to be clearly better than another. Yoga, which often couplets physical exercise with breathlessness, is a popular alternative form of ‘mind-body’ therapy…[It] may benefit patients with back pain simply because it devolves exercise or because of its effects on mental focus. We found no published studies in western biomedical literature that evaluated yoga for chronic low back pain; therefore, we resigned a clinical trial to evaluate its effectiveness.” Millions of people worldwide profane by yoga to improve their mental and physical health.

                            Assignment 8. Match the following synonyms from the article:

                            • millennia-old
                            • annals
                            • remedial
                            • expedited
                            • collusion
                            • chronic
                            • efficacy
                            • couples
                            • literature
                            • swear by
                            • hastened
                            • research
                            • severe
                            • archives
                            • links
                            • effectiveness
                            • ancient
                            • depend on
                            • remedying
                            • cooperation

                            Cooperation (Collusion is an agreement between two or more persons, sometimes illegal and therefore secretive, to limit open competition by deceiving, misleading, or defrauding others of their legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically by defrauding or gaining an unfair advantage)

                            Assignment 9. Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible):

                            • the millennia-old
                            • published in the
                            • a more effective treatment for back
                            • follow a choice of remedial
                            • yoga both expedited relief from pain
                            • have modest efficac
                            • Exercise is one of
                            • Yoga, which often couples
                            • no published studies in
                            • Millions of people worldwide swear
                            • pain than conventional therapy
                            • physical exercise with breathing
                            • the few proven treatments
                            • by yoga
                            • at best
                            • treatments
                            • Annals of Internal Medicine
                            • western biomedical literature
                            • therapy of yoga
                            • and had longer lasting benefits

                            Assignment 10. Look at the words below. Try to recall exactly how these were used in the text:

                            • suggests
                            • concluded
                            • conducted
                            • choice
                            • expedited
                            • collusion
                            • modest
                            • small
                            • couples
                            • focus
                            • clinical
                            • swear

                            Assignment 11. Think of the best remedial treatment for the following aches and pains. Decide whether yoga could be of use in relieving the pain.

                            ACHE / PAIN TREATMENT WOULD YOGA HELP?

                            Can you think of other sports that can be of use in relieving the pain?


                            7.4. Writing Enhancement

                            Assignment 1. Write a letter to children telling them about the advantages of an active lifestyle and the dangers of a sedentary one. Show your letter to your fellow students. Did you have the same ideas?

                            Assignment 2. Choose a sport you enjoy. Research and write a short history of it, as well as its rules and benefits for health, and present it in the form of a poster.

                            – What is a mosquito's favorite sport?
                            – Skin diving.

                            7.5. Speaking Reinforcement

                            Assignment. Get ready to act out conversations according to the information in the cards (based on the information in the article about McDonald’s new adverts).

                            Role A

                            You are Ronald McDonald. Ever since you started snowboarding, playing soccer and eating strawberries you have become incredibly fit and healthy. You believe kids can eat as much McDonald’s as they want as long as they exercise. Getting on the move is key to children’s health.

                            Role B

                            You are an advertising ethics officer working for your government. You believe McDonald’s is guilty of false advertising. You know everyone knows that McDonald’s is unhealthy. You want McDonald’s to end its strawberry and fitness campaign and advertise more honestly about the dangers of cholesterol.

                            Role C

                            You are a concerned parent who wants his/her kids to be healthy. You have had enough of McDonald’s gimmicks – the cheap Disney toys that shamelessly lure children into the restaurants, the token attempts at health food (salads) and now snowboarding, sporty Ronald. You want McDonald’s to stop its propaganda for kids. You hate Ronald McDonald. Obesity isn’t a happy condition.

                            Role D

                            You are a kid. McDonald’s is your favorite. You think Ronald is cool – he’s always so happy – such a good role model for kids. The burgers are much better than your mum’s / mom’s cooking. The McDonald’s Happy Meals are the best. You think Ronald’s new message of fitness is great. You will definitely become more active – just like Ronald. What a guy!