1. Many Protestant denominations experienced religious
is another name for the Bible?
3. In order to be acceptable in the eyes of God many Americans give
to the needy
4. The rising again of Jesus on the third day after the Crucifixion is generally referred to as
5. The Protestants tend to reduce the number of
6. Deliverance from the power or penalty of sin; redemption can also be called
7. A state in which the souls of those who have died in grace must expiate their sins (in the Roman Catholic Church interpretation) is referred to as
Ex. 2.What is the difference between.
1) a parishioner and a preacher;
2) a missionary and priest;
3) a seer and confessor;
4) a mosque and a synagogue;
5) a mass and a liturgy;
6) a minister and a rabbi;
7) an evensong and a matin(s);
8) a bishop and a mullah;
9) The Talmud and the Koran.
Ex. 3.Find synonyms to the following words (Please, use a monolingual dictionary).
Ex. 4.Insert the most appropriate prepositions where necessary.
1) to enforce
a law
2) to ordain smb
a priest
3) to adhere
(church, religion)
4) to break away
(a church)
5) to convert smb
6) to be blessed
7) to atone
8) to coerce smb
9) to be lost
10) to be redeemed
Ex. 5.Choose the most appropriate variant and prove your choice.
God is ...
1) a being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the
universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions
2) the force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being
3) an image of a supernatural being; an idol
4) something that is worshiped, idealized, or followed
5) a very handsome man
6) a powerful ruler or despot
Goddess is ...
1) a female being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by
a people
2) an image of a female supernatural being; an idol
3) something, such as fame or wealth, that is worshiped or idealized
4) a woman of great beauty or grace
Ex. 6.What do the following expressions mean?
1) God bless
2) God’s gift (to sb/sth)
3) son of God
4) man of God
5) act of God
6) to act/play( as) God
7) God wot
8) God’s brand
9) God’s own country
10) God’s wounds
11) God Almighty
12) God’s fool
13) to bid/wish sb godspeed
14) to think oneself God
15) God from the machine
16) Godbox
17) a sight fit for the gods
18) the gods (pl.)
19) to worship false gods
20) to stand godfather to a child.
Questions for discussion.
1. Is there any state religion in your country? Do you think every country should have
a state religion?
2. Do you believe every person should have a right to profess any religion he/she
wants? Sould the state be separated from the church?
3. Is religious education necessary in a modern secondary school? Would you send
your child to a parochial school?
4. How many religious holidays do you celebrate? Are they celebrated nationwide in
your country?
5. What you know about various religious communities of your country?