Test 3

Audience Analysis

1. The primary purpose of speechmaking is to __________ .

2. Audience-centeredness involves keeping your audience foremost in mind ______ .

3. The tendency of people to be concerned above all with their own values, beliefs and well-being is called ________________ .

4. The process of creating a bond with listeners by emphasizing common values, goals and experience is called _____________ by communication scholars.

5. Audience analysis is defined as learning as much as possible about one’s projected audience.

6. Audience factors that make a critical difference vary with the goal of one’s presentation.

7. Major traits of people in demographic audience analysis are __________ .

8. Taking account of you listeners’ racial, ethnic or cultural background is an important factor in situational audience analysis.

9. Which of the following is a factor in situational audience analysis?

10. When evaluating your audience’s disposition toward the topic, you should take into account their______________ .

11. As a general rule, the larger the audience is, the more formal your speech presentation should be.

12. You can learn much about your audience by _________________ .

13. Statements like “all men are afraid of commitment”, “all Asians excel in science”, “all women oppose war” are examples of ______________ .

14. Formal audience analysis is done through________________ .

15. Questions that require responses at fixed intervals along scale of answers are called __________________ questions.

16. “Do you think gun control is a workable solution to the problem of violence in U.S. schools?” is an example of a (n) __________ question.

17. To make one’s questionnaire work well the interviewer should _________ .

18. There is often a strong correlation between interest in a topic and knowledge about it.

19. The speaker can generate interest in his topic by ________ .

20. The more competent listeners believe a speaker to be, the more likely they are to accept what he or she says.

21. To adapt the speech to the audience the speaker should __________ .

22. During his first presidential trip to a foreign land Bill Clinton rose to make a speech during a state dinner in South Korea. He referred several times to the South Korean President Kim Young-sam and his wife “Mrs.Kim”. But Korean women keep their births name. Clinton should have addressed President Kim’s wife as “Mrs. Sohn”. What factor did Bill Clinton neglect?

23. Mayor Marion Johnson has been asked to address the Weatherford Community Association about the issue of constructing a swimming pool in the neighborhood. The most important factor Johnson should consider when analyzing her audience is probably its __________ .

24. Dr. Alinsky is preparing an informative talk about Respiratory Allergies for an audience of expectant parent. The most important factor Dr. Alinsky should consider when analyzing his audience is probably its __________ .

25. If the audience is known to be opposed to your views you have to _________ .