Test 10

Nonverbal Messages in Persuasion

1. According to Cognitive Valence Theory, nonverbal immediacy leads to ________ which leads to closeness.

2. Anna's husband often tries to persuade her by stroking her cheek or hugging her. He is making use of what form of non-verbal communication?

3. According to Leathers, the ________ is the most important source of non-verbal communication.

4. Sometimes people try to be persuasive by “getting in people's space” or walking up very close to the person they are talking to. Which form of non-verbal communication is this?

5. People often use the face as an indicator of their personality.

6. Eye behavior serves all of the following functions except ______ .

7. Tanya needs to convey a message to Brad, and she doesn't want anyone else to hear her message. She should use the ________ distance.

8. When people are standing around 2.5 meters from others, this is called the ________ distance.

9. Nonverbal premises in persuasion are similar to cultural premises in that both are ________ .

10. Physical attractiveness is a non-verbal signal that leads people to be more suspicious of attractive people.

11. Violating chronemic rules can result in failures in persuasion.

12. According to the ELM, eye behavior (blink rates, gaze holding, etc.) is likely to get processed with the central route to persuasion.

13. Research indicates that a female speaker with a thin voice may be perceived as ________ .

14. Research indicates that a male speaker with a breathy voice may be perceived as __________ .

15. Touching people while trying to persuade them about something can increase the persuasiveness if the persuader is a woman and the audience is males.

16. Touching people while trying to persuade them about something can increase the persuasiveness if the persuader is a man and the audience is males.

17. Which of the following is not one of the three categories of business dress identified by Murray?

18. According to scholar Albert Mehrabian, what percentage of meaning does nonverbal communication account for?

19. Cultural patterns and styles of pronunciation and language usage, which often indicates an individual's socio-economic or regional background, are known as____ .

20. The use of your body to invite or inhibit communication is termed _______ .

21. Roommates discussing a problem they share would most likely take place at what distance?

22. All of the following gender-based differences in the use of nonverbal communication are correct except _______ .

23. The lower left corner of a print advertisement is the most fertile or useful for ad messages.

24. ________ are physical objects that are used in construction, display, and decoration of oneself or of a setting.

25. Propaganda experts claim music, art, architecture, and jewelry are insufficient for use as propaganda.