1. An article that is based on a list of points.
Thanks to our sweet Kerry for inspiring a kiss and tell ....
www.northwestmommy.com, April 2013
2. A very small integrated circuit.
A related but simpler technology is based on suspending small integrated circuits called ‘...s’ in a fluid and then flowing them over a surface where they drop into tiny holes of corresponding shapes
New York Times, April 2013
3. Website design which allows for optimal viewing irrespective of which device is being used to view the site.
With the emergence of ... as an industry benchmark, flat design has made inroads on the web too.
www.shoutdigital.com, May 2013
4. Internet technology designed to make users feel calm.
This is the question motivating the embryonic movement known variously as ‘calming technology’, ‘...’, ‘conscious computing’ or (Pang’s preferred term) ‘contemplative computing’.
The Guardian, May 2013
5. A type of edible food packaging.
... ice cream and frozen yogurt will make their debut at US grocery stores later this month.
Smithsonian (US history and culture magazine), June 2013
6. Software designed to have a calming effect.
Their inventions so far include scores of pieces of ‘...’ designed to block distractions, with names such as Isolator and StayFocusd and Shroud and Turn Off The Lights.
The Guardian, May 2013
7. Someone who refuses to accept a belief or opinion that is held by most other people.
But how many storms, how many scientists weighing in, how much new information will it take to – at a minimum – convince the editors that permitting ...s to have a voice for ‘balance’ is not just factually wrong but also flat-out immoral?
Washington Post, May 2013
8. Abbreviation for “you only live once” (used to justify doing something that is expensive or not sensible, or to encourage someone to do something).
The Jenners on the other hand, were totally living the ... life. Those crazy kids were cliff jumping, waterskiing, and doing some crazy fun looking wind surfing thing.
www.crushable.com, July 2013
9. Another phrase for ‘bedroom tax’.
It wasn’t one of the Labour leader’s better performances. By contrast, David Cameron’s response was robust. It’s not a tax, the PM insisted, offering his own label for the issue: ‘...’.
http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk, January 2013
10. Water that falls to the surface of Saturn from its rings.
‘The main effect of ... is that it acts to quench the ionosphere of Saturn,’ Mr. O’Donoghue said.
New York Times, April 2013