1. A reduction in the amount of housing benefit given to people who have a spare bedroom in their property.
A mum of two from Peterborough is bracing herself to become one of the first victims of the Government’s so-called ‘...’.
www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk, March 2013
2. The stress suffered by middle-aged people who share their homes with grown-up children who cannot afford to move out and infirm, aged parents who they care for.
‘...’ stress for parents because more couples are living with three generations under one roof
www.dailymail.co.uk, January 2013
3. A very large stream of data.
British molecular biologist Mick Goldman said he had conceived the idea with a colleague, Ewan Birney, while the two sat in a pub pondering the ... of genetic information their institution is now receiving.
New York Times, January 201
4. The use of a fake IP address to carry out a denial-of-service attack.
The Network Working Group laid out a set of ‘best current practices’ that Internet companies and organizations were encouraged to follow to defeat a threat known as ....
New York Times, March 2013
5. A coating applied to an electronic device such as a cell phone to make it waterproof.
A cellphone case can seal against most water but adds bulk … ... render the parts themselves impervious to water damage, so the protection comes without added bulk.
New York Times, February 2013
6. The use of living things such as bacteria or plants in designing products or as art.
... takes advantage of the ‘tremendous power and potential utility of organisms’, says William Myers, a New York City design historian.
Smithsonian (US history, science, and culture magazine), March 2013
7. Systems that use a blend of telecommunications and informatics to provide services to people in vehicles.
From wireless charging to ..., from new gaming platforms to a hi-tech smart bicycle, all the ideas pressed upon me by their eager supporters sounded impressive.
www.bbc.co.uk, January 2013
8. Devices such as headsets intended to be worn about the person.
Tech consultancy iSuppli suggests that by 2016 more than 92 million ... devices will be sold a year.
www.bbc.co.uk, 13 January 2013
9. Someone who restricts by half or to a marked degree, the amount of meat and animal products that they consume, usually in order to reduce the environmental impact of their diet.
People in the rich world should become ‘...s’ – eating half as much meat as usual, while stopping short of giving it up – in order to avoid severe environmental damage.
www.drmcdougall.com, February 2013
10. Breakfast eaten at one’s desk at work.
If you can’t remember when you last sat at your kitchen table and ate a freshly cooked breakfast, you’re probably one of the majority of women now opting for ‘...’ – that’s breakfast at your desk.
Grazia, February 2013