Exercise 1

Matching exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.

The Past Simple is used to denote:
1) single completed actions
Sony and Philips invented the CD in the early 1980s.
2) repeated or habitual actions in the past
We moved house a lot when I was a child.
3) general truths about the past
Early clocks were usually very unreliable.
4) permanent situations and states in the past
Did the ancient Egyptians have more advanced technology than other civilisations?

The Past Simple vs Present Perfect Simple
In general, the Past Simple is used to refer to periods of time or moments which are finished. The Present Perfect is used to refer to periods of time which continue up to the present.
The nineteenth century saw many technological advances, such as the camera and the electric light bulb.
There have been many technological advances in recent years, the most important being the spread of the Internet.

The Past Simple is used to refer to events at a specific time in the past. The Present Perfect is used when the specific time when something happened isn’t important or relevant, or when the present result of a past event is important.
I sent my first email six months ago.
Have you ever sent an email before?
He entered the room, turned on the lights, took a book from the table and started reading.
Thomas often took Kate for a walk in the park.
The fish tasted funny.
10 years ago he lived in France for half a year.
Once I visited Egypt – that was great!
He was sure she would go there, if he called her.
I’ve done my homework.
It’s cold outside. I hope you haven’t been standing there for too long.
We’ll go to the theatre as soon as we have eaten the dinner.
I’ve been baking a cake. Now the whole kitchen is dirty with flour.