Exercise 11.2. Decide if you need THE or zero article. Mind the use of articles with geographic names.

Matching exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
1) The first European explorer in ____ north America was John Cabot.
2) Every visitor to ____ Lake of Geneva may have many days of delightful hillside and shore-way rambles.
3) In ____ medieval England, the system of parliamentary democracy known today had its origins.
4) A north American natural wonder, ____ niagara Falls flows with scenic might through the Park.
5) In June 1944, Icelanders officially declared ____ Republic of Iceland and adopted a new constitution.
6) ____ Kamchatka, a huge peninsula more than 1200 km long, resembles a giant salmon.
7) Iron was to become the working material of the modern world; and it is its production of iron which more than all else has placed England at the head of ____ industrial Europe.
8) Tom went on to say: "Today's America is different from ____ America I grew up in."
9) ____ Malay Peninsula was visited near the beginning of the Christian era by traders from India.
10) India is bounded to the east by ____ Bay of Bengal.